‘Being Entrepreneurial’ is a hands-on entrepreneurship course that intertwines theory & practice so that students learn some basic concepts of new venture creation while simultaneously putting them in practice. Session#1 (‘Dare to Dream’) starts with some inspirational stories that demonstrate how it’s the best time to be an entrepreneur in India. The rapid emergence of AI also opens up dramatic possibilities. Cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset is now a must no matter which field or career a student chooses to pursue. In Session#2, students (in groups) identify their own problem statements around which a venture could potentially be built. They will learn how to do customer validation and create user personas as a first step towards creating a product or service offering. In Session#3, they dig deeper into their product/service. The course ends with Session#4 where they will learn how to tell a story around the work they’ve done.
Alongside these Saturday lectures, student groups will spend time with their Teaching Fellow on Sundays to work on their project modules. They will also need to spend about 1-1.5 hours each week- ideally between the Saturday lecture and Sunday TF session – to do some preparatory work.
Pre-Course Module
Week 1: Dare to Dream (May 18-19)
Week 2: No Ivory Towers
Week 3: Go Build
Week 4: Tell Your Story
Learning Outcomes 3

Srikant Sastri

Aditi Tibarewal
0 total